CRE Summer Survival

10 Best Practices During the Slow Summer Sales Season

1) Keep the Momentum Going! Do more site visits. Make more calls. Send more emails. The time you put in now may not pay off right away but you’ll be heading into football season with a solid pipeline.

2) Database Housekeeping. Go through your contact lists to see where there may be some hidden opportunities to develop new business and Create call lists.

3) Connect with Clients. Reach out to clients to catch up and see how their summer is going (i.e. – are they going anywhere special this summer). Give them a call… send them a handwritten card… Connect on a personal non-business level.

4) Go to Summer School – Improve Yourself. Read, attend classes, learn new subjects, improve skills, refresh topics you already know…. exercise both your body and mind!

5) Update all of Your Social Media. Make sure all of your information is up-to-date, accurate and compelling. Institute a plan to ramp up your social media efforts.

6) Summer Blogging. Think of creative ways to incorporate summer themes into your online marketing content to keep readers engaged… “grilling tips”, “summer salad recipes”, “instructions on fish cleaning”, “explain how to crack a lobster”, “best local boating trips”, “golf course review”, “wine trails”, “craft brewery visits”, “beach fun” etc.

7) Tax Prep. Take this time to get all of your tax information on track for the year.

8) Volunteer. Spend time giving back to those who are less fortunate then yourself, it’s also one of the best opportunities for networking & self branding!

9) Review Your Annual Business Plan. Are you on track to achieve your goals? How will you attack the rest of the year? Do you need to update your goals and your plan to achieve them?

10) Re-Charge and Relax. Take one or more well deserved vacations so you are fresh and ready for Fall Time Action!
